What began as a dream of owning a new 2021 Cadillac Escalade quickly turned into a nightmare of never-ending mechanical issues and accessory issues for this client.

Their vehicle troubles commenced in December 2022 when the vehicle’s daytime running lights malfunctioned, followed by third-row seatbelt buckle retention issues, and a frightening incident where the car unexpectedly shifted to neutral on the freeway, leaving it immobile.

Upon inspection, it was discovered that the engine had failed due to overheating, necessitating its replacement along with various other components.

Despite extensive repairs, subsequent visits in January, March, April, and May 2023 unveiled persistent issues such as faulty windshield wipers, navigation system glitches, recurring low engine oil alerts, and suspension and cruise control malfunctions.

Repairs to the Cadillac involved replacement of the engine, battery, and other faulty components, alongside routine maintenance tasks like brake pad replacements and tire pressure adjustments.

Even after these efforts, the Cadillac Escalade ESV continued to exhibit a myriad of problems, prompting our client to seek legal recourse. In searching for legal help with lemon law and consumer protection matters, he found the Lemon Law Experts.

Our team at the Lemon Law Experts swiftly acted on behalf of our client, resulting in the repurchase of the problematic Cadillac Escalade ESV where they received a refund for their down payment, monthly payments (minus a usage fee) and the payment of their legal fees and costs.

If you are dealing with similar issues with a vehicle, you have purchased or leased in California, the Lemon Law Experts stand ready to assist you through the process–our team offers a complimentary consultation to assess your eligibility for remedies under California’s Lemon Law.

With a proven track record of securing exceptional results for clients, including substantial settlements, the Lemon Law Experts are well-equipped to get you the best results possible.

Whether you are seeking a replacement vehicle, financial compensation, or a refund, we can help you maximize what you receive in recovery. For inquiries or assistance with your vehicle-related concerns, please contact us at 877-885-5366 or complete a consultation form on our website today.